As a part of Škofja Loka bypass Sten tunnel has been commited to public use end of October 2015.
Asist delivered control and supervision systems which integrates:
- fire alert system (with more than 40 automatic sensors, push buttons and actuators),
- fibro laser system,
- ventilation system (ventilation for main tube and rescue tube),
- power supply system (low and high voltage supervision),
- waste water and hydrant water basin, pump and valve supervision and control,
- different types of variable message signs (VMS),
- traffic signal heads, blinkers, barriers,
- emergency call units (VoIP enabled),
- help push buttons, door magnetic switches, automatic doors,
- video detection and incident detection system,
- radio and speaker system.
All local control and signal acquisition is executed on field with seven SRTC-6 controller units, connected to fully supervised Ethernet network with SNMP protocol-enabled switches. Visualization, reporting, alarms and log-in are provided with a SCADA system. System controls around 1800 data points and has over 300 different commands.